A Message From Pastor Beth

Now the green blade rises, from the buried grain; Wheat that in dark earth many days has lain; Love lives again that with the dead has been; Love is come again like wheat arising green. ELW #379

 Even though this winter hasn’t been as tough as some we have been through, in fact (it has been unusually mild); yet, it has seemed long. With all the ice, the fog, the dreariness and even the never-ending illnesses that seemed to have plagued our community, we are ready for it to be over, ready to move on to warmer weather and sunshine. 

And yet, we know that we must go through the winter to get to spring. It is how our world is ordered and that there is a purpose for it. We also know that no matter how long, dreary and even cold it can be at this time of year, the warmth will return, the trees will bud and the earth will come to life again. 

This is a lot like what our spiritual life can be like. There are times when we might feel our faith is weak, our sight is clouded, and the warmth of God’s love seems far off. Despair and doubt can creep in leaving us feeling a bit hopeless, like we are in the winter of the soul.

And yet, we know that God is there. Our Lenten/Easter season reminds us that God is at work in surprising places; that God is at work even when all seems lost like on the cross and in the tomb. In Jesus life always follows death, not simply life after we physically die, but also in those times when we do feel as if God is far from us, and our faith is weak. When we look at the cross, we are reminded of all of this, reminded how much God loves us, that God is so committed to us that he would send Jesus to live among us and die for us so that we might have life. 

 And so, in this in-between time of late winter/spring, the in-between time of Lent, as you look at the cross, be reminded of the new life that is coming, the new life that is ours, the new life that God is working in all of us, even now.

A blessed Lent/Easter season to you all.  



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